Moldiver Ex

Moldiver Ex

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Type: OVA

Status: Finished Airing

Episodes: 2

Premiered: N/A

Broadcast: N/A

Rating: None

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The first episode (Go Go! Doll-chan), 12 minutes long, features Mirai working as a rollerskating waitress who encounters the Neophytes in their normal day jobs. At the end we are shown a preview for the 1st Moldiver OVA episode but the text on screen advertises all 6 episodes going on sale. The preview also features a bit of footage that did not make it into the actual final cut of episode 1. The second episode (Project F), 10 minutes long, features the Neophytes working an undercover gig trying to get a MSX computer for Professor Arnagi's old technology collection.

Episodes: / 2 Episodes
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Original AIC
Comedy, Sci-Fi N/A
11 min. per ep. 1994

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