Septem Charm Magical Kanan

Ranked N/A Popularity N/A Members N/A

Type: OVA

Status: Finished Airing

Episodes: 4

Premiered: null

Broadcast: null

Rating: Rx - Hentai

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A magical creature went to the normal world to retrive some seeds. He lost his power and fainted. A girl found him and took him home. Well, this creature became a man after gaining back his power, which surprised the girl some. An incident happened and she became a magical fighter with his kiss. Things start to get complicated as they try to get the seeds and with most people not being what they seem. (Source: AniDB)

Episodes: / 4 Episodes
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Visual novel Arms
Hentai School
28 min per ep 2000-08-25 to 2001-11-25

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